UPDATE: Crowdfunding


It has been a very unusual season for Naucrates team. For many years, we were used to recruit an international team that works on the field on Phra Thong island. Usually, the team stays on the island for about 4 months conducting fieldwork raising scientific data and spreading conservation messages within the local community and tourists on the island.

The pandemic Covid-19 forced us to interrupt the season. Even though Naucrates organized a crowdfunding campaign in order to be able to provide a local salary to Nok, a local man that monitored the nesting beaches.
We are proud to announce that the crowdfunding campaign on GoFundme Help Naucrates to Continue Conservation Project reached the amazing amount of 1915 euro.

Nok was hired, with a monthly salary. He monitored the beach in collaboration with other locals. They were able to discover and protect 2 Green Turtles and 1 Olive Ridley turtle. Material and instruments were provided by Naucrates. Lory, our logistic responsible based in Thailand, supported the project helping with translation and communications.
Again, the international effort was a great success!
Naucrates would like to thank all the people that made donations through GOFundme, Alessandra and Timo for editing the video, Alessandra for making gadgets, Zoƫ for making and selling bags from The Netherlands, Carlo A. Alberto and Mirjam de Ruiter both designers for donating their professional fantastic drawings, Lucia for selling bags in Switzerland.

What will happen next?
We are in standby, ready with a lot of new ideas willing to start the season in December 2021. We are hopeful to start the new season on the island with an exciting and healthy international team.
2021 is also a very important year, we celebrate 20 years of Naucrates. Proud of being a conservation group working together strongly believing that small action can make a big difference in conserving our wildlife.

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